About Us
Aleksandra Maria Love
Aleksandra is a modern priestess, mystic, visionary and facilitator of sacred sexuality & conscious intimacy spaces. She is a wild creative exploreress who prays in dance and love-making. She has been facilitating groups and working with individuals for over 14 years now through: yoga, meditation, Reiki, movement, cacao medicine, empathic listening, conflict mediation, coaching and recently in the last 7 years with sacred sex-positive containers. She is being called by her inner wild Priestess and energy of her hands to start offering these Sacred Sexual Healing sessions at this point in time after being reconnected to the mysteries and shamanic aspect of transformation during the ISTA Practitioner Training in Sep 2018. She is also an earthly mother of 3,5 year old magical being Noa Gaia. Dedicating her life to healing and transitioning towards the Next Culture and heavenly existence on Earth.

"You are such a present for the healing of this world. I loved how you hold the space. I love your energy. You must be an ancient priestess or something! Your presence in the room is very healing. Merci!!! The temple night moved me a lot... many topics came up..."
~ Marianne, female empowerment coach
Ananda Amit Angelo

“Ananda is one of the key persons in my life for resolving relationship blockages.
In his men circles, workshops and temple nights I learned to be content with relationships like never before.
I came from an macho alpha male attitude and learned to be open, vulnerable and free. Experienced real power as I learned to communicate my desires, fears and boundaries. Learned to show the true me. What a liberation to be with someone without any need to hide something."
~ Cem, Germany
Ananda - Is a sacred sexuality shaman, leader, coach and a father of three.
He is a certified Sex & Happiness coach and a Facilitator at ISTA.life.
In his work he supports people's empowerment, pleasure and ecstatic current by letting go of limiting believes, guilt, and shame.
His journey began as a dancer at the “Bat-Sheva” dance company (Israel), parallel to working as a professional guitarist. Later, leading his own dance company and choreographing with his partner for 12 years.
He was the founder and leader of the Israeli dancer’s union, and took part in founding the first Tel-Aviv Waldorf school “Bait Chinuch Aviv”.
“My journey in dance led me to the Dance of LIFE...
I have devoted myself to un-shame pleasure and sexuality, connect them to the heart, and serve humanity to a paradigm shift of love.
I am inviting my brothers and sisters to play freely and walk this earth shining their pleasure and light.
Our story - as written in the stars
They met on the night of the full moon on the 11:11. It was year 2016 in Berlin on an ecstatic dance floor preluding a conscious sensuality temple. Amit (Ananda) Goldenberg born in Israel on the 1st of December 1973, moved to Berlin in 2011, got himself a Polish passport (speaks no words in Polish), a dancer and guitarist most of his life. Aleksandra Maria Grzebalska, born in Poland on the 19th April 1988, 350km from Berlin, met god in dance when she was 20. Fall madly in love in Israel ever since visiting it first time in 2013, fancy musicians.
He approached her on that dance floor after everybody dispersed (she already checked him out during the dance!). First question she asked him : "where are you from?", it took another 5 seconds for them to kiss after he responded... They started straight ahead with gazing into each others' eyes for hours, sexual healing and dissolving into the unknown of a magical encounter. They went "all the way" that night and slept on a single mattress for a straight week inseparable.
~ ∞ : : Where there is love there is space : : ∞ ~
Enjoy our co-creation from the soul!