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at Temple Clinique Sintra

Sacred sexual & shamanic 1:1 healing journeys
with priestess Aleksandra Maria Love


What might happen during the session and our journey together?


  • clearing shame around your body, sexuality, creativity and how life wants to move through you.

  • deeper embodiment and connection to your emotions healing ancestral, inner child and karmic wounding.

  • opening to more energy and pleasure in life.

  • learning about your boundaries and desires, and how to communicate them.

  • dissolving your unhealthy relating patterns. Receiving nourishment, love and attention to the parts of you that long for it the most.

  • learning alternative ways of touch which bring more fulfilment and feed your wilder sides.

  • opening to your sensuality, wilderness and personal power.


The time has come to heal your life, to face your wounds, to look deep into the places which have been locked away, to defrost and uncover the soft places of your power, love and inner shining.

Welcome to your Life!


How does it look in practice ?

We meet regularly either weekly or every second week for the duration of your journey. Each session is about 2,5h-3h long. Aleksandra is also available in-between the sessions for text message exchanges for further support. You also receive homework and homeplay if applicable. After each in-person session we meet online for 1h of an integration session.


During each session we tune in, feel what is alive for you, set the intentions and follow what wants to unfold or be touched in you. The sessions might involve body work, emotional release work, parts work (work with the inner child), coaching among other practices. The work might involve sacred spot* and de-armoring as well as more pleasure-oriented body touch upon your request. Each session is different and meets you where you are at. The work is highly intuitive and offers a spectrum of tools from very light to stronger and wilder expressions.


The touch offered is one-way-touch, meaning that you receive and Aleksandra gives touch only. Unless, another arrangement has been discussed for a dedicated session specifically for your growth/ education.


It is suitable both for men and women of any orientation, predispositions and preferences.



Are we a match to work together for your empowerment and healing?


If you are a YES we ill start with a short online consultation to meet each other. First, fill in a form so I can learn more about you and schedule a call:


 >>> book here <<<



How to work together?

1. Three-session package. The package includes 3 in-person sessions, 3 online integration sessions and care, and check-ins in-between sessions. The journey typically takes between 2-4 months with sessions happening every second or third week.




2. If you don’t live locally in Lisbon, Portugal there is also a possibility to arrange for an Intensive Personal Retreat of 2-4 days for you. This is when you come for a few days and receive a tailor-made program for your needs. Please discuss this option with Aleksandra.




contact Aleksandra via email sacredblisstemple(at)

telegram/whatsapp at: 0048508106834



*What is Sacred Spot session?

By Sacred Spot we often refer to specific places in the body - the G-spot in women and prostrate in men. However, the true meaning of Sacred Spot is meeting a person at where they are at. Sacred Spot might be different from person to person and from day to day or even moment to moment. We are working exactly at the place which is bringing expansion, opening and release. All is done with verbal consent and with your conscious presence being fully involved throughout. Sacred Spot sessions might be incredibly pleasurable or they might be charged with emotions and painful memories or any combination of the two. The loving-presence of the practitioner creates an incredibly powerful container for you to be met, seen and connected with all that shows up.


Please note that these sessions are NOT therapy.




"This session was very powerful for me, lots shifted and Aleksandra really held a space for transformation, I am deeply grateful and would totally recommend her to friends, and I have super high standards of who I recommend!"

~ Sonja, fellow practitioner


"The session I received from Aleksandra was deeply touching me. Her calm and loving presence made me feel safe and I could surrender into my being while she was holding me. The session brought up a lot of stored and stuck emotions, and I'm grateful for all the healing that's happening".

~ Anna, event producer


"You are such a present for the healing of this world. I loved how you hold the space. I love your energy. You must be an ancient priestess or something! Your presence in the room is very healing. Merci!!!"

~ Marianne, female empowerment coach






Aleksandra’s experience & background

Aleksandra is a modern priestess, mystic, visionary and facilitator of sacred sexuality & conscious intimacy spaces. She is a wild creative exploreress who prays in dance and love-making. She has been facilitating groups and working with individuals for over 14 years now through: yoga, meditation, Reiki, movement, cacao medicine, empathic listening, conflict mediation, coaching and recently in the last 8 years with sacred sex-positive containers. She was called by her inner wild Priestess and powers of her hands to offer these Sacred Sexual Healing sessions at this point in time after being reconnected to the mysteries and shamanic aspect of transformation during the ISTA Practitioner Training in Sep 2018 and Sacred Whore Training in Israel in 2022. She is also an earthly mother of 6 year old magical being Noa Gaia. Dedicating her life to healing and transitioning towards the Next Culture and heavenly existence on Earth.



Professional training and qualifications:

  • Reiki Level 1 (2012)

  • Life Coaching Diploma with The Coaching Academy (2012)

  • PELOHA (Peace Love & Harmony) Massage Certificate (2013)

  • MSc Social & Cultural Psychology  from LSE in London (2014)

  • Diploma in Group Facilitation, Conflict Resolution & Counselling (2014)

  • Dialogue Road Map training in Conflict Mediation acc. to NVC principles (2015)

  • Organiser for ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) trainings (2015-now)

  • 10-day Sexological Bodywork Introduction Training (2016)

  • Conscious Sensuality Level 1 with Robert Silver (Nov 2016 & May 2018)

  • Yoga Teacher Training 200h (April 2018)

  • ISTA Practitioner Training Module 1 (Sep 2018)

  • ISTA Practitioner Training Module 2 (Jan 2019)

  • Assistant at ISTA Practitioner Training Module 1 (June 2021)

  • Trauma2Trust Facilitator Training with Embodied Intimacy (April 2022)

  • Sacred Whore Training with the Red Serpent Mystery School Israel (2022)

  • ISTA Level 3 (August 2022)


Created with juice by EROS  Medicine © 2018

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